SIX FEET UNDER is like the summer replacement for The Sopranos on HBO, but instead of killing people, the featured dysfunctional family deals with them post mortem.
And they try and deal with themselves too.....
There's the grocery clerk son who left home 20 years or so ago to become a something other than a grocery clerk, there's the crack and crank smoking little hussy of a daughter to the late pater familis who is extremely fuckable, and then there's her lawyer wannabe annally retentive gay bottom of a brother who is stuck with the family business and hates it. Mom had an affair, and for color there's the gay guy's black cop of a lover.
Watch it. It's funny... I'm not sure ow long they can run with this ball, but so far, to borrow another off season football analogy, they're scoring touchdowns.
Plus the daughter is very fuckable... and probably extremely loose ... but I mentioned that... and if I didn't, hey, it's on in 10 minutes and I'm watching.
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