Appendix E – The Erotic

Vaneigem's notion of love is protean indeed, encompassing empathy, joi de vivre, and perseverance in addition to its base of radical subjectivity. In one of his last sections, "The Unitary Triad", Vaneigem enters into his only discussion of the erotic. In the erotic we find his highest level of love – the pleasure principle – which underlies the whole project of creative revolution and is subversive in its very essence to the spectacle.

Vaneigem defines the erotic as "pleasure seeking its own coherence" (Vaneigem 254). Within this notion of coherence is, once again, the totality – pleasure cannot be cordoned off into one sphere of life and kept absent from another. To live with pleasure to live with the pleasure principle at all times – though it may not always be realized, it is always present. Furthermore, Vaneigem founds the coherence of pleasure of the "movement of the passions towards intercommunication, interdependence, and unity" (Vaneigem 254). Thus, the erotic is not only the highest for of love – without which it cannot exist – but it also founded on creativity and play. Vaneigem's place for the erotic is truly revolutionary – rather than restricting pleasure to clandestine enjoyment, such as bedrooms, bars, and the like – he conceive of recreating the whole of social life as pleasure. Such a reorientation of the erotic outward is the ultimate wrecking ball towards the tottering edifices of spectacular society. Since Vaneigem bases "the concrete reality of pleasure" on the freedom to unite oneself with whomever, the realization of such pleasure can only lead to "the wholesale demolition of social structures". Platonic relationships drown under the howls of Bacchanalia. All taboos are broken. Vaneigem wants a wife-cum-sister – who is as charmingly close as family but with the eroticism of a lover – all of whose friends are wife-cum-sisters too. Such a conception total shatters societal taboos and releases all constraints on pleasure. He seeks a life and death of debauchery. Oh, Vaneigem, where to begin?


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