Appendeix B: Works Cited and Works Internalized

All of the following books changed me – and thus, this thesis – to some degree or another. The only ones I felt the need to quote were Knabb’s anthology, Debord's Society of the Spectacle and, of course, Vaneigem's Revolution of Everyday Life. The rest all appear somewhere in the thesis, misquoted, detourned, or otherwise abused – those who know and love them will take note.

works cited:

Debord, G. 1994. The Society of the Spectacle. New York: Zone Books

Knabb, K. (ed). 1981. Situationist International Anthology. Berkeley: Bureau of Public Secrets.

Vaneigem, R. 1994. The Revolution of Everyday Life. London: Rebel Press / Left Bank Books


works internalized:

Argueta, M. One Day of Life.

Bakunin, M. God and the State

Baudelaire, C. Artificial Paradises.

Baudelaire, C. Flowers of Evil and Paris Spleen.

Bey, H. Immediatism.

Bey, H. The Temporary Autonomous Zone.

Bordieu, P. Acts of Resistance.

Bordieu, P. On television.

Breton, A. Mad Love

Breton, A. Nadja

Carroll, L. Alice in Wonderland.

Chomsky, N. American Power and the New Mandarins.

Chomsky, N. Deterring Democracy.

Chomsky, N. Necessary Illusions.

Chomsky, N. Power and Ideology.

Chomsky, N. The Chomsky Reader.

Chomsky, N. Year 501.

Coffman, M. Collected Letters.

Cooper, M. Pinochet and Me.

CrimethInc. Days of War / Nights of Love

Debord, G. Comments on Society of the Spectacle.

Debord, G. In Girum

Debord, G. Panegyric

Debord, G. The Films of Guy Debord

Fromm, E. Marx's Concept of Man.

Gray, C. Leaving the 20th Century.

Jappe, A. Guy Debord.

Katzen, M. The Enchanted Broccoli Forest Vegetarian Cookbook.

Kerouac, J. Dharma Bums.

Kerouac, J. On the Road.

Klein, N. No Logo.

Kropotkin, P. The Conquest of Bread.

Kropotkin, P. Mutual Aid.

Kundera, M. Slowness

Kundera, M. The Book of Laughter and Forgetting

Kundera, M. The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Lasn, K. Culture Jam.

Lefeber, W. Inevitable Revolutions.

Lefebvre, H. The Critique of Everyday Life.

Leiws, T., Amini, F., and Lannon, R. A General Theory of Love.

Lukacs, G. History and Class Consciousness

Marcus, G. Lipstick Traces (on a cigarette): A Secret History of the 20th Century

Marcuse, H. One Dimensional Man.

Marcuse, H. Reason and Revolution.

Marx, K. and Engels, F. The Manifesto of the Communist Party.

Mehta, G. Karma Cola.

Neruda, P. Odes to Opposites

Plant, S. The Most Radical Gesture: The Situationist International in a Postmodern Age.

Pynchon, T. Gravity's Rainbow

Pynchon, T. The Crying of Lot 49

Sadler, S. The Situationist City.

Tucker, R. The Marx-Engels Reader.

Vaneigem, R. The Book of Pleasures

Vaneigem, R. The Totality for Kids

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