Mushroom Vindaloo
(makes enough for many, just add more or less mushrooms)
3 Tbs & 1 tsp cumin seed
- 9 (about 3Tbs) dried chilies
1Tbs & 2tsp black pepper corns
1Tbs & 2tsp cardamon seed
- 5 (about 2Tbs) sticks cinnamon
2Tbs & 1tsp mustard seed
1Tbs & 2tsp fenugreek seed
add and mix in, then set aside:
1/2 c & 1Tbs white wine vinegar
2Tbs & 1tsp salt
1Tbs & 2tsp brown sugar
fry till golden, then remove onion and puree:
- 10 sliced onions in
- 5 c vegetable oil
also puree:
- 5 heads garlic
- 5 1 inch cubes ginger
add ginger-garlic puree to pan of oil, add onion puree and ground spices to pan, then add:
* 5Tbs corriander
1Tbs & 2tsp turmeric
- Enough mushrooms for everyone (they cook down, add lots at least 5 per person if not more)
cover and simmer for atleast 30 min, longer if possible, stirring occasionally.