["Learning"] in Pulse-Coupled ["NeuralNet"]s by HermannHaken
"This paper summarizes results to be presented at the International Tamagawa Brain Forum, Visegr_d, Hungary, Sept. 8-11, 2002"
we can presume the signal intensity correlates to the pulse rate, or frequency of spikes.
pulse sequences can become synchronized, which some say explains TheBindingProblem.
proposes to show how spike intervals are translated to, or can represent, spatial patterns.
neuronal clock: various chemical reaction oscillations (metabolosm) are the underlying mechanics of the sense of time.
assume a set of ["Neuron"]s, each tuned to a specific time interval Delta. (see references for more? especially ReconstructionOfDynamicalSystemsFromInterspikeIntervals and ["DecodingInterspikeIntervals"] )
This looks like a good followup article: [http://www.raulmuresan.home.ro/Papers/PCNN.pdf]