You Ai Welcome, ayup
mmmmmm. Squid!!
to's new WikiWikiWeb page.
If you haven't noticed, we've switched software again. Hopefully this one will stick for a while...
Haere Mai! Tena Koutou Katoa.
If you want to edit anything on this wiki, just use the username human, password human
Oh, and the above text is a formal warning about posting at this site for our Chinese spammer. Lets hope babelfish got it right.
Can you pass the Turing test? Virgin Galactic. Mozilla is where it's at as web browsers go.
Hmm..looks like the wiki hasn't been used in a while. Well, for those lonely souls who do make it here, check out my Bay Area Camping Guide -Dave
ElectionDay is here!
CryptoGraphy, the anti-wiki.
LothSter is here.
The house soon to be formerly known as King Street has permits! And a hottub thanks to NickSchmidt.
This is also the home of the Frobnik project, a PointToPoint communications system using BayesianAnalysis and just about every other BuzzWord you can think of. Anyone know about GroupCollaboration?